News Flash: There is a technology that has a 96% purchase rate after clients tried the service. As unbelievable as that may sound, ARG knows it to be true. In 2015, most IT departments are still implementing one of the following problematic options:
· Performing a critical IT service the way they did 20 years ago
· Outsourcing the service to the wrong vendor
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) can be the solution to both of those problems. Today, almost every company ARG speaks to is:
· Backing up to tape
· Backing up with the IT vendor that supports their production environment
If you fall in to one of these two categories or are unsure where your business identifies in terms of back up, we invite you to take a look at what is both available and very affordable today.
Today’s solutions put a copy of your data and files on premise and / or in the cloud. The files are encrypted for security and available for immediate use. Spinning up a backup server because of a virus or a bad patch, or just recovering an overwritten file takes just a few minutes.
If your disaster recovery solution is sitting in a warehouse or in someone’s car, or you are single-threaded through your IT vendor, please contact us for a demo and a free trial – 96% who try DRaaS decide it is right for them.
For additional information, consider CIO’s recent article on considerations for in-house or outsourced backup and recovery.
If you want to see what your boss is being fed on the subject, we suggest this article.