Although just the lowly summer intern, I also wanted to get in on the Random Acts of Kindness action. Due to my short time at ARG this summer, I was initially struggling to come up with a RAK idea that I could quickly do. With all the tragic news stories recently involving police across this country, I knew I wanted to do something that would brighten the day of these individuals who work so hard to keep us safe each and every day. So, after brainstorming with my dad this weekend, I realized the one thing that will make anybody anywhere feel happy and appreciated no matter what. Chocolate. More specifically, really expensive fruit dipped in chocolate.
So, I arranged for a large Edible Arrangement bouquet along with a small note of appreciation to be sent to my local Fairfax County police station for all the officers who were working on the 100+ degree Sunday morning to enjoy. Although I didn’t personally get to see the result of my RAK implemented, I’m sure it made their day a little happier. While browsing their Facebook page today, I noticed a recent post that thanked the public for their recent generosity and kindness as they worked to overcome the hostilities and issues they had been facing the past few weeks. My family and I have always made Christmas cookies for our local police and fire stations, but this was a great way to show continued support during the year. I’ll definitely continue the RAK trend after I leave ARG, and spread the kindness everywhere that life takes me!
– Eliza H.