Fall of 2018 Sammy and her friend Julia built this pantry as part of their Girl Scout Silver award project, it is installed on St George’s property on 9th Street North between Nelson and Oakland in Arlington.
Immediately after placing it we discovered that when presented with an easy option to help others people are pretty generous, I peek in the box at least every other week and there is always something in it. I think Jess and I have stocked it a dozen times in the last two years.
Sunday morning I went by and there were two bottles of Grape Jelly and a small Chocolate pudding container.
Between my first visit to look and my return to add what I had purchased two sandwiches in ziplock bags and a few cans of tuna had been added.
I went to a couple different grocery stores since there is an 8 can limit for canned goods with pop tops. I stocked the box, adding in raisins, 24 cans of soup, a case of Granola Bars, Apple Sauce.
I am grateful to be in a position where Jess and I can help others.
– Matt West