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Date(s) - 02/14/24
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Companies are being tasked to do more with less, and smart cost management is critical. This Valentine’s Day, we’re hooking you up with free artisan chocolates, cool cards, and flowers. We hope you can join us for breakfast and gain the knowledge, tools, and strategies to identify cost-saving opportunities, streamline operations, and boost your bottom line.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify Savings Opportunities: Find out how to find overlooked expenses and inefficiencies that could be draining your resources.
- Innovation and Technology: Explore cutting-edge technologies that can automate tasks, improve efficiency, and lead to substantial cost reductions.
- Leaner Operations, Greater Efficiency: Learn how to streamline your processes and workflows to increase productivity.
- Risk Mitigation: Understand how cost optimization can contribute to risk reduction and improve your business’s overall financial health.
- Optimize Procurement & Change Management: Gain valuable insights into negotiating better deals with suppliers, reducing procurement costs, and enhancing vendor management.