On June 24th, 2021, ARG celebrated its 30th year in business. Technology is a dynamic space, and we are humbled to not only survive this long but to be thriving. Over the years, ARG has consistently participated in Random Acts of Kindness so, it seemed fitting that in celebration of reaching this milestone we spend the day giving back to the communities that have been so good to us. After a quick meeting, almost 100 of our teammates were sent out to make the world a better place.
Day of Service Activities
Below is a list of some of our team’s service activities throughout the day. We included links for the organizations we worked with in case you’d like to learn more.
- Visited local fire and police stations and handed out gift cards to first responders.
- Delivered sweet treats to the dedicated caregivers at South County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
- Restocked local Little Free Pantries. Little Free Pantry is a community service to provide free food for families in need all over the country. We shopped for food items and toys and delivered them to the Little Free Pantry locations in the area. Locations can be found here.
- Sorted donated clothes and put together bags for Mobile Hope, an amazing organization that supports local teens in need.
- Held a silent pie drive and raised $7,500 to allow kids without means to go to camp and a group of teens to go to a theme park.
- Visited Routt County Horse Rescue and donated to provide one week of camp for two underprivileged kids.
- Picked up trash and collected data on wildlife, plant life, and debris via kayak as civilian scientists for the Gulf Paddle iNaturalist program.
- Delivered donuts and Dunkin’ gift cards to local post offices.
- Shopped for supplies and delivered them to:
Jill’s House – a care facility for children with mental disabilities that provides families respite for a weekend away from being the caretaker 24/7.
Calvary Women’s Services – offers transitional and permanent housing, health, education, and employment programs that empower homeless women in Washington, DC to transform their lives.
Community Residences, Inc. (CRi) – a community-based nonprofit organization with a focus on providing personalized resources to people with developmental disabilities & mental health needs.
Embry Rucker – a residential shelter that provides healthy, safe, emergency housing for individuals and families.
DC Diaper Bank – provides a reliable source of basic baby needs and personal hygiene products to families and individuals throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
Capital Area Food Bank – leads efforts to provide 30 million meals to almost half a million people struggling with hunger in the Washington DC area, every year.
It was an energizing way to spend the day. We hope you consider some of these ideas if you are looking to give back to your community.
You can learn more about ARG’s Random Acts of Kindness program here.