You may not know it but most apartment complex’s pools lifeguards are young adults from countries across the world. The pool management companies bring them over, place them the group housing and schedule a few social gatherings for them… for this experience, they work at the pools and are paid a small paycheck. Most have very limited funds as they are paying for school or helping support their families. This year my community pools main lifeguard, Shanelle was the sweetest nicest girl. I would chat with her every weekend and made low-cost suggestions for things to do with her time off. As summer was coming to an end for her I overheard her on the phone saying she could not afford to take the $10.00 bus to NYC for the day – she was noticeably upset.
I left the pool, went upstairs and got my RAK money and added the little cash I had on hand (who carries cash) and went back and asked her to please join her roommates/friends on the trip to NYC – if nothing else she would be able to take the bus and get a slice.
She was so happy, she cried and gave me a hug.
I hope she got to go home and tell her family that she had an awesome trip – sadly I was sick the next weekend and never got to see her again.
Just like that summer ends ☹
-Misty Browning