On Saturday I was on my way to Kohls and noticed a family (mother, 2 daughters) walking down (or up!) Van Dorn with no jackets or anything warm on them – Strangely I do everything within a 5 mile radius of my house so this was not the first time I’ve noticed them walking. It dawned on me that when I first moved up here I had no fall clothing only winter or summer – I ran into Kohls and picked up 3 zipper hoody style jackets (two alike, can’t have them arguing) and jumped in the car and found them still walking – I figured worst case if I couldn’t find them I could return them.
I talked to them for a bit and learned they are living at the Comfort Inn that is right off 495 – and have very little – I asked them if it would be ok if I went through my sweaters and stuff to see if I had anything they could use. I found a few sweaters and jeans and even a winter coat – hopefully, that made their day a little better or at the very least warmer.
– Mobility