I won a $25 gift card while at the office and in true ARG fashion was encouraged to perform a Random Act of Kindness. I thought that was a great idea and a core part of the spirit that makes ARG such a great team. Last week a friend, Mr. Chandler Daye, (who does so much for the community and is one of Loudoun’s top 100 People along with our very own Kimberely Evans) reached out to the entire Loudoun County Community to help a single mother going through cancer treatment provide Christmas gifts for her daughter. I am happy to say I was able to get some items the family wanted for Christmas with the $25 gift card and drop them off to Chandler on Friday. ARG is a tremendous company, and I am proud to be a part of a team that thinks about doing the right thing, making someone smile, and trying to make a better day for all who come in contact with them. Thank you and Chandler Daye also sends his many thanks for helping out!
-Joe Andino