Just before Labor Day, I was out to dinner in DC with my boyfriend and a RAK opportunity presented itself on the way back to Arlington in a taxi. We were talking to the driver about his kids and where he lived. He lives in Rockville (where we both went to High School) and has two kids, he mentioned the importance of living in a good school district and that is how we got to talking about his kids heading back to school. Once a nerd, always a nerd…I love the excitement of getting ready to go back to school (new clothes, new books, and new school supplies…what could be better?!). On top of the Rockville connection, Ken and I both had another connection with the driver. We both had grandfathers who were taxi drivers (his in NYC and mine in DC) and worked really hard to provide for their families. As we got out of the car, I handed part of my RAK money to the driver and told him it was to use for back to school expenses. He was very appreciative and promised to tell his kids about us and ARG. Ken saw the parallels too and gave him a big tip before I handed over the RAK money, so hopefully collecting all the required supplies was a little easier and maybe the kids even got a fun, new outfit for the first day of school!
– Katie Praske