Saturday, September 17th just happened to be the 7th anniversary of the day that my Son. Kaleb was born an angel. Every year that this date comes around I have thoughts about that tragic time of my life and fill my mind of thoughts of what could have been. Needless to say, it is difficult to brighten my spirits and just a tough day for my entire family. I awoke this day with the usual thoughts of doom and gloom and proceeded to push forward and do all of the “things that I planned to do”. Amongst the errands was just plain ole “getting gas at the station”. While I pumping a man came up to me and said “Ma’am, could I trouble you for a few dollars? I promised my sister that I would take her to the food bank and don’t even have enough gas to get to her”. He pointed to his pick up truck (which clearly was older than I am) and I replied “I’m not sure that I have any cash on me sir”. I reached into my wallet and saw the RAK money, I’d forgotten all about it. I thought to myself about this man, driving a pickup truck from the year 1900 and that HE, who clearly didn’t have much, was asking for money to help someone else! I didn’t hesitate, and gave him $100. He was so overwhelmed and profusely thanked me for the money. Funny enough, I was trying to tell him about the ARG/RAK project, and he started running away. Maybe he thought I would ask for it back??? Hilarious. But it really got me thinking about how truly blessed I am. How someone is always having a worse day than myself. About how things happen in my life are not by accident, but by a divine plan. I was truly blessed in this instance and the rest of the day wasn’t so bad after all. I was truly thankful for this opportunity. Moving forward, every anniversary of that difficult day, I will do a RAK and make the day worth waking up for, every single time.
– Nykea McIntyre